Life as a student can be pretty tough, there are so many bills to pay yet there's not an awful lot of time to bring in any kind of decent income. Sure, you can wait tables or deliver pizzas but it's not a great way to bring in money plus it's going to divert your time and energy away from studying.
If you don't want to end up with huge debts at the end of your studying then you will need to be very careful about how you spend your money. For instance, computer financing for students can seem very tempting but you should be careful. Think about upgrading your current computer or following tips to make it go faster. If you still end up wanting another computer then think about buying one that's been refurbished.
As a student you will no doubt be offered a credit card. There are some very good deals on credit cards for students such as reward points and low introductory interest rates. If you need to buy something then a credit card is very convenient and can even be a god alternative to taking out a loan. However it's easy to get carried away by purchasing items such as shoes you don't really need.
Be careful about bargains. There are often special multi-buy offers available in the shops however they can simply get you to buy something you don't actually need. Ask yourself whether you need so many of these things and whether you can really make use of them. There's no point in a bargain if it just goes to waste.
There's a lot to learn whilst being a student. What you learn isn't just about your chosen subjects, it's also about life and having to deal with money.
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